Alright, I might be a little out of my league here, and putting myself in a very vulnerable position to get flamed by the tens of thousands of people (very similar to myself) who have had to go through the long and painstaking proceedure of returning their Xbox to get a new one, because of these infamous red rings.
Let me start by saying, that over the past three years, I've owned 3 360 consoles; two of the original white ones (both of which red ringed) and my current, a Halo edition model. Since I first purchased my shiny new next gen console, all I've heard were complaints; "Ps3's better because there aren't errors", "My game freezes sometimes! Xbox sucks!" and the like. I'm quite frankly just sick and tired of it.
The console had a flaw upon launch - Oh noes! As though every gaming apparatus in the history of the medium have worked flawlessly upon taking it out of the box. Anyone remember Sega CD? It's brick of a transformer caught fire when I was 11. Did I boycott SEGA? No. Did I flame everyone during the next 9 years of my existence, who are, or have ever purchased a Sega system? No.
Don't get me wrong, I've had my problems, but I also enjoy my 360 every bit as much as I do my other two next gen systems; my PS3 freezes when I play GTA4 and won't give me sound playing Quantum of Solice, and my Wii has locked up on several occasions playing Brawl because...well, I probably shouldn't play for that long anyhow - but they're all great pieces of equipment.
Bottom line - the logic is flawed. Flat out. If you carry down that path, you're saying that you hate all cars - because guess what? They break down twice as often, and you actually have to pay (sometimes thousands of dollars) out of your own pocket to get 'em back on the road (Don't flame me if you had to pay 50 bucks for a disk read error repair, please).
Kids toys, food products, indoor plumbing, Ikea furnature and every gaming device on the planet have one thing in common - they break, and sometimes have fatal flaws upon launch. Deal with it, or boycott everything that is, could be, or has ever been defective.
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