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Triforce108 Blog

Level 9 Update

I am now the great LAZY Ikatari Warrior.(Empasis on lazy)In other news schools out for a LONG time atleast it seems that way.I am a lazy summer bum because it took me two weeks just to do a level 9 update.

Level 9 Update???

I am actually 99.999999999999999999999% :shock: form being level 9... So I will do an offical level 9 update tommorow.But seriously GS is really wierd like that.

Level 8 Update

Quick Update.Appearently i'm level 8 and it means Quad Damage?Yea... In other news I have an awsome banner courtsy of hylian_hero13.

Attention All Wii Haters

To all wii haters that say the wii is a fad or gimmick.You may pefer graphics over gameplay but does that always mean you should hate the console thats most innovative or the console that foucuses the most on gameplay?And the people who say that Nintendo is hording back wii shipments are wrong.Its a fact that the wii ships as much or more wiis as Sony ships PS3s.So why hate the console that happens to be succsessful at this time? Plz comment and state opinions.