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Dissidia 2 announced! Here's my dream roster.

Okay so I'm not sure if you all have heard about the rumors of a Dissidia 2 floating around, but Square Enix has confirmed it! There will be a new Dissidia coming out! It's calledDissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy​ and will be realeased in 2011 for the PSP!It already has 2 confirmed characters, Kain (FF4) and Lightning (FF13)

Proof of such:



SOOOO since there will be rumors about the cast floating around for awhile, I figured I'd post my dream roster for this game! None of this is real (of course I wish it would be) I'm just doing it for fun.

FF1: (Cosmos) Warrior of Light, Red Mage (Chaos) Garland, Astos

FF2: (Cosmos) Firion, Maria (Chaos) Emperor, Leon

FF3: (Cosmos) Onion Knight, Ingus (Chaos) Cloud of Darkness, Xande

FF4: (Cosmos) Cecil, Rosa (Chaos) Golbez, Kain

FF5: (Cosmos) Bartz, Faris (Chaos) Exdeath, Gilgamesh

FF6: (Cosmos) Terra, Locke (Chaos) Kefka, Ultros (Think about it!! :P)

FF7: (Cosmos)Cloud, Tifa (or Vincent)(Chaos) Sephiroth, Rufus Shinra (or Weiss)

FF8: (Cosmos) Squall, Rinoa (Chaos) Ultimecia, Seifer

FF9: (Cosmos) Zidane, Vivi (Chaos) Kuja, Black Waltz No. 3

FF10: (Cosmos) Tidus, Yuna (Chaos) Jecht, Seymour

FF11: (Cosmos) Shantotto (Chaos) Shadow Lord (I've never played this game so I cant pick anymore...)

FF12: (Cosmos) Basch, Vaan (Chaos) Gabranth, Vayne

FF13: (Cosmos) Lightning, Snow (Chaos) Cid, Dysley

FFTactics: (Cosmos) Ramza,Delita (Chaos) Ultima, Dycedarg

Yep. Just let that soak in.