Yes its Saint Patrick's Day! One of my favorite holidays! Go Ireland! Anyway a few things are goin on:
1: still is taunting me
2: Diamond and Pearl are coming closer. I've gotta reserve Diamond
3: Played Mystery Dungeon yesterday cuz I was bored. Recruited Rayquaza
4: Lumos!
5: Mecha_koops appears to have only made a short visit.
6: I'm playing as Amy on 2 player on adventure 2 Battle "Just wait 20 seconds." :lol:
7: I need to find somthin to do
8: I STILL have beaten all games I own
9: I need to find something to do
10: I have a new email and AIM. It's now MightyKingJohan (
Yay! I got up to 10 things! Happy St. Patrick's Day! May the Luck of the Irish be with you all!