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Mystery Girls

Yesterday,i checked my mail and notice that some girl sent me an email saying this:-

Hi! I am Charity !
how are you! hope you
are fine and in perfect
condition of health.
I went through your
profile and i read it
and took intersest in
it,if you don't mind i
will like you to write
me on this ID:
hope to hear from you soon,
I will be waiting for your
mail because i have
something VERY
important to tell you.
Lots of love Charity!

Let me tell you one time that i have no freaking clue who this girl is or what profile she saw me in and this isn't the first time this happen.

The first message i got like this was about a year back and this girl that came out of nowhwere,sent me a message like this one.At first,i was curious as to who the hell this is but i just went with the flow and started talking with her.The next thing i knew,she said that she LOVED me(She NEVER SAW ME)and how she wanted to come and live by me and yes,i said LIVE.After that,i locked her off completely cuz i thought this girl is freaking crazy and trust me,the most i did was,had a normal conversation with her.

The second time was like 6 months ago and this other girl started sending me messages saying that her father died and she's alone or some sh*t like that but this time,this girl actually sent me a picture of herself and said that she's going to put a million dollars in the bank,that if i could withdraw it for her cuz she wants to come and LIVE WITH ME.Just like the first one,i locked her off with having no conversation with her whatsoever.

Now it comes down to this other girl but what i find interesting is that whoever this person is,they apprently know that i'm a guy so they only write as a female thinking that i'm some punk who needs a girl or something.I'm starting to think that someone who has my email,is spending me these kind of mails but i'm still uncertain as of who it is.This is like the only site i use mostly so i think someone is trying to pull something off but one day,i WILL find out who it is eventually.