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What's up guys?,been awhile since my last blog even though i don't thinki was going to make another blog after the previous one.Anyway alot of people been asking me how come i'm not on here as much like before and the truth behind that is,i've been losing interest on here for awhile now even though i post every now and then.Alot of my friends on here either been banned or they just don't seem to be active on here as much like before and these are friends that where with me since i first joined gamespot.Don't get me wrong though,i still appreciate having you guys as my friends but you should all know the feeling when you have friends that where with you from the beginning and now you just don't see them around as much again,that's just the reason why i'm losing interest on here.I still would put post on the forums and unions like normal but it would be less than before.

Another thing is,i realised that some people got a "problem"with me for some reason,i just got to say for those people out there that you should step up and let me know what problem you got with me instead of running behind closed doors and talking S*** behind my back.This is not really a problem for me though cuz there would always be people out there who would hate on you so i'm just asking again,you got a problem with me,then step up like a man and let me know,this is just real talk.

In other news,i got some tickets to go see Jay Z and Eminem in concert so i'm looking forward to going and anyone who is a fan of Eminem should definitely go buy his album Recovery,best hiphop album on the market right now IMO.Other than that,i'm just enjoying the summer while it last since winter is right around the corner.Anyway guys,signing off so i would catch you later