when i see that the main villan will be named monarch i keep thinking "the Venture Bros" and expect to see the main bad guy in black and yellow cloth with big wings and long long eyebrows
never understod why when VR realy started to take shape microsoft didnt start development on Black and White 3. there is a game series that whould work well with VR and the constarints they have
it is sad to see this video have almost 13000 comments and alot of them are negative towards GS, Johnyy or Carol. it leave me thinking that eighter this site is filled a******* or most of the normal and decent people just dont give a f***
@gogoleafs what people seam to miss is this show isnt about those comments where people just disagree with the review and the score and call GS a crap site, but it is about those that goes after the reviewer and starts calling her names and and in general being dicks towards her it is 2 diffrent things
@DarkRaven0021 @Jake518 @ignis_sulphur @julianboxe well when the game do not hold back and comment on politics and other games you cant be schocked when a reviewer comments on how it protraies the women. rockstar could have made one of the leads female and it wouldnt have hurt the game, women can just as crazy as men can
Trion3's comments