Hey, My name is Finn im 14, im into surfing and basket ball and i like playing my xbox 360 and and my wii.
I was orginally born in Hammersmith , England , but I live in Ireland now ;)
My favourite game for xbox 360 is Halo 3. I just love it! I've played it on xbox live and its great fun and I don't atually have xbox live but my friends do and if you visit my channel please tell me how you feel about xbox live and tell me if its worth the money that would be great so thanks. :)
My favourite wii game is mario kart xD. I think its a funny game and a good time personally I don't even play my wii that much I useally play it when friends or cousins are around.
Name : Finn Byrne-Battell
Hobbies : Drawing, playing my 360, surfing.
Favourite game : Halo 3,Prototype,Call of Duty World at War (I love nazi zombies) ;)
Favourite place (I havent been) : Miami Americaand Sydney Austrailia
Favourite place (I have been) : Paris
What I wear : Useally t-shirt and jeans xD
Favourite movie : Too many..
Tv series : Scrubs, South Park
Favourite types of music : Rock
Favourite band : Linkin Park , Foo Fighters
Favourite food : Pasta
Favourite drink : Fanta Lemon and 7up
Well thats all you really need to know about so if your like me add me im into most games so..
anyway seeya
Finn Byrne-Battell (TriplePunk15)_(Venom14k)