The things I can tell you about GameStop employees would make your gamer's skin crawl. Mwahaha...
The guy who didn't understand you had the LE version of Prince of Persia? He's not a demon, he's either:
A. New guy.
B. Guy no one likes and he doesn't get enough hours therefore he has absolutely no idea what he's selling half the time.
C. The douche, he doesn't care, he doesn't listen and he just wants to stand around and do nothing.
The Devil Survivor anti-love? Probably either a Megaten hater, or he had someone complain about it and say it sucked sometime before you came around to purchase it. As for the Orange Box thing, a lot of people who work at GameStop's are fanboys or even more hideous, people who were hired for their work experience rather than game knowledge. Sure, they got hired to be fair and kind to the workforce, but when they attempt to talk like they know what they're talking about it ends up being pretty fail.
As for people complaining about trade-in's, they're lazy idiots. Most GameStop managers pump the words "Trade! Trade! Trade!" into their employee's heads. GameStop is genius because they have people trade in their copy of God of War for $2.00 and then they resell it for $17.99. They love trades, it's a chance for somewhere around 6x profit. And also, if you talk to the District Manager about an employee that's being a douche, that won't do much. It'll result in a slap on the wrist, not any punishment. If you really wanna lay into your local GameStop minions, you hold the ultimate power to do so. You know how they tell you to go to the website and fill out the survey thingy? Be lethal when you do so. Every single negative feedback gets sent to the District Manager. If you manage to wrack up enough of negative ones about the same employee eventually someone is going to be looking for a new job. No joke, those things are deadly serious. Managers get ranked based on their postive percentage, and if they make the yearly cut they get a pay bonus. Negative website feedback rules their worlds. xD
If you want any more tips on how to get your GameStop employees to be more congenial feel free to message me. I worked as an Assistant Manager for years until I was fired because I discovered our DM was getting frisky with one of our married employees, I know all their secrets. ;o
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