Heya Gang.
Well, well, well ... looks like we have another themed episode for you. Thankfully this time around the movies are the same time, heck, they're the same director. These movies were released one after another, one year apart, like Lord of the Rings. Of course, this didn't quite make a billion dollars at the box office, but it did create quite a stir! I don't know what to tell you, I bet this will be the only review of these movies on a game site! Thank you very much.
I Am Curious ... Yellow - imdb - d. Vilgot Sjoman - Here's a movie you might of heard of, but probably haven't seen. I Am Curious ... Yellow was seized at customs, and not shown in the U.S. until years later. It sparked a supreme court battle, and divided critics and fans alike. But what is it? Now that's a hard question to answer. To put it simply, while watching the movie I was reminded of a lot of filmmakers, everybody from Oliver Stone to Federico Fellini to Jean Luc Goddard to Michael Moore. This is not your average movie, but parts of it will look awfully familiar if you've seen the works of any of the people I mentioned. I Am Curious (both of them) tells the story of Lena, a 22 year old Drama student who is currently starring in a movie. In fact, she appears to be starring in the movie you're watching, well, you see, some of the movie is her in the character of Lena, the other parts are her in a different character (the real Lena). The movie has a weird way of switching between REAL movie and fake movie, and by the end you never really know what is the movie or what is not.
Lena is shooting a documentary about the troubles of 1960's Sweden. She asks countless people about the class system, about politics, about equal rights, about sex, about love, about everything. She, and her friends, are also gathering together and protesting certain places, mainly government offices and businesses. They make signs, count the number of days since the election, and so much more. Yet, while all this is going on, Lena meets a boy named Borje, a man we soon learn has a kid and a girlfriend. Lena is troubled by this, but ultimately doesn't mind sleeping with him four or five dozen more times. In fact, most of the movie has Lena (and her partners) naked. But none of the people are especially good looking, and the love making scenes are never erotic.
What sets I Am Curious apart is the way it's filmed. It actually has little games you can play while you watch it, and everytime somebody says a certain word something special happens. It's gimmicky, but fun to watch the different things they come up with. This certainly reminded me of Oliver Stone and some of the effects he employed in Natural Born Killers. The movie even pleads with you that you must own both movies, you need to buy both. Whether it's brilliant or pretentious is up to you, but I had a good time with it, even if I had a hard time watching some of the more graphic sections. B
I Am Curious ... Blue - imdb - d. Vilgot Sjoman - Blue is the companion piece to Yellow, a movie that was more style than substance, but also a fun movie. Blue is a little less fun, and doesn't quite have the style, but is still worthwhile ... for the most part. Blue picks right up with Lena, who is still asking questions and interviewing people on the street. She is frustrated by her relationship with Borje, who got married to his babies momma, and still working on the movie with the filmmaker (who is secretly in love with her). This doesn't exactly take place after Yellow, though, it actually takes place during Yellow, though I'm not completely sure all of it does. Still, it's more of the same, with a lot of Lena learning about herself and the world around her. This time she's more interested in sex and religion. High points are a scene with her and a catholic man talking in a car, the way she proves him wrong by only asking him questions he should have been asking is priceless, and worth seeing the movie for alone. There isn't nearly as much sex this time around, but some of the other problems I had with Yellow persist. The style that made Yellow what it is is here, but it's a lot more subdude. The movie doesn't play games with you, it tries to tell a straight forward story that isn't really that interesting. I feel for Lena, but her self destructive ways are only making it hard to sympathize for her. This is well worth seeing after you get done with Yellow, but not by itself. B-
Trisetta Lilly Barnes