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In A Car Accident

Well Yesterday sucked, i was (ironically) on my way to the hospital for an appointment with my specialist. I was waiting in a row of cars, for the traffic to start moving, and the next thing i no there is a massive, massive bang and coins flying everywhere. The Woman drving behind me hasnt seen that the traffic is stopped and has drove straight into me!!! So my beloved little car is stuffed, she smashed up the rear lights, tore up the rear guard pushing it into my tires, and buckled the side pannells jamming my rear doors shut, and managed to push me forwards into the towball of the car infront, causeing a huge dint, and the inside of the car to be up against the radiatior.] So according to my very car knowledgly mate there is probably about 100% chance my car is going to be written off, which sucks cause it has been a great car to me, and the lady who hit me, lives very close to me, but she has interstate insurance, so im hoping that because of that they dont try and cop out somehow saying its out of there jurisdiction cause that would suck majorly, cause i need the money, cause im homeschooling atm and without a job, so i have no money whatsoever besides what my parent sgive me, and them haing to buy me a new car will cause huge problems, so unless the insurance comes through there is a good chance i might be without a car for a fairwhile... Besides this things have been alright lately, i bought guitar hero 3 for the Wii, its a great game, ive so far finished all 42 songs on easy and medium, and one on hard, because i managed to finish the song without using the orange button which is mad cause it was some easy money, considering i dont no how to do it. Unfortunatley, my little bro managed to go over out limit the the net usage, so its slower than the ol' dial up we used to have, so i will try hard, but i wont be on gamespot too much, which sucks because it is probably the website i spend most time on.....