Aspirations and Resolutions
by Troy-M on Comments
OMG! That's such a catchy title! :) Anyways, seeing TRG's posts about what he wants to do made me want to make an entry on the exact same topic. I've probably already mentioned most of these things that I want to do to you guys before, so if I'm repeating myself, I apologize. I know resolutions are for New Year's, but I don't really care. Arranged from what's the most important right now to what's the least important:
[size=14]Lose a lot of weight [/size] I'm not afraid to admit that I'm 6'1" and 290 pounds. Yes--I'm a fatty, and I don't care about anyone's reaction to it nor do I care for anyone's perspective of it. However, I would like to feel good, and shopping for clothes that fit me comfortably is a royal pain in the ass. I think I've made excellent progress so far--I've cut down on what I eat, I've been drinking tons of water and I've gone to the gym once this summer (I would have gone more often but a phase of daily charlie horses, unexpected outings, tennis lessons, and laziness have stopped me from going more often). I plan to go tomorrow in the morning before my tennis lesson--even though that will probably leave me hella pooped by dinnertime. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in a year. [size=14]Get a nice, part-time job for August [/size] All but one of my close friends will be gone for the entire month and Staples has a ton of openings for part-time jobs at branches throughout the Lower Mainland. To me, this just screams "capitalize!" I'm going to take another week to consider applying and then, if I decide to apply, I'm going to get me some proper, formal clothes for submitting my application and, if it happens, my interview before getting to submitting my application. Hopefully, I will not have waited too long. [size=14]Go to this year's CPL Winter Championships and/or World Tour Finals [/size] I was supposed to go to the Summer Championships as my birthday present last week but I took too long to make up my mind and so I didn't get to go. Man, do I wish I went there! Hopefully, I'll get the chance to go this winter as my Christmas present! :D [size=14]Build my own computer from scratch [/size] I've completely disassembled a computer and put it back together before. Now I want to do that with a brand-new set of computer parts. Hopefully, my dad will be able to buy me a set of parts so that I can have an uber-l33t computer all for myself--having only one working desktop in the household sucks. :( [size=14]Try harder at school [/size] The portion of high school that matters the most is approaching for me as I'll start grade 11 in September. I got two A's and two B's last semester, and that was nice and all. But my previous "first" semesters have been horrendous. And, last year, I failed Shop! This was due to poor attendance, and I'm going to do my damndest to work on that. Also, I think I'll apply for a gym membership (only $20 for the school year) so I can work out after school (this will help since I'm not taking PE in grade 11). [size=14]Take the SAT before the end of grade 11 [/size] If I'm not mistaken, this entrance exam can be taken more than once if desired, and I'm going to capitalize on it during the upcoming school year. I think I'm intellectually capable of getting a good score on it before grade 12, and who knows? I might just get over 1000! :D [size=14]Write a novel before graduating from high school [/size] This is, by far, the craziest of my resolutions as it would involve a lot of work and consuming a lot of my time towards it. I highly doubt that I will actually be able to take a synopsis that I think up and extend it to at least a 100-page novella. But, if I do, I think I'd feel like I've really accomplished something. Hopefully, it will boost my morale and re-ignite my once burning passion for writing. And I have another 2 school years to do it, too. :)
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