Troy-M / Member

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Money = Pimpin' Home-Theater System? =D

Well, I've been thinking of how to plan employment. That's right: I'm assuming that I can just get a job whenever I want (what with my respectable resume) in this little "plan," and that I'll get X dollars per hour and work X hours a week. And I've come to the fact that, if I get a part-time job in the summer with a good salary, I can make at least two G's (Canadian) in the summer. So I've been thinking: if I do end up with $2,000 in my pocket, what would I buy? Well, first, I thought "I'll get some upgrades for my current desktop." Then, I thought about that: although it's currently between entry- and mid-level by now, it still plays the newest PC games like a beast: an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ with 512MB of RAM and a 256MB GeForce FX 5700. That will play CS: Source and Half-Life 2 fairly well. So, I'll leave that option at a lower priority. Then I thought "what about a notebook computer for school?" It doesn't sound like the best idea, but it's a good idea, so I left that at a lower priority. Then I thought "how about I buy A TON of video games?" It sounds like I could get a lot of bang for my buck, so I put that at a low priority, as well. Then, I thought about what I should replace by now. "Well, I have the crappiest VCR and TV, so why don't I get a pimpin' setup for my room!?" That sounds like a good idea, since I ended up finding a setup for 1,400 Canuck Bucks. Manoman, with $2,000, I could do one of hundreds of things with it--maybe even a couple of those things. But ah, well. I don't have that money yet, and I'm just brainstorming out of boredom. If you do have a good suggestion as to what to spend two-large on, post a comment! :D