LOL! Nice logic.....I guess that means the X-box 360 fad died almost 2 years ago cause I saw those suckers on Amazon for the longest time....:o.....see what I did?
O well it was to be expected......jeff seems to love these types of games so it was to be expected.....but does this make the game better than MP:3 automatically? Nope. Not IMO. Operative phrase there: IMO.......
halo 3 is blessed by the pope! it is therefore the greatest game ever made! the wii should be sold at mcdonalds kids menu! what can i say, its science people. organic_machine
I have one very simple question for you hypocritical lemmings out there: If sales are irrevalant, then why the hell whenever there is a topic on game sales you start with the whole: "tEh HAloz 3 goin to sell 1 MilLLioN cOPieS in1 DaY!!11!!!!!!1111".
But the second the wii's sales are mentioned, its suddenly: "tEHH SaLEz doN'T matterz!!!111!!!1"
Lems, for real, its starting to get annoying. Ur either on the sales bandwagon or ur off......
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