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TruPrince Blog

Been a minute

Well it has been a minute since I have sat down to post something.  I read through my previous posts and could not help but laugh.  Oh the mind of a college freshmen.  To update, I have come quite a ways since the earlier posts.  I am now graduated from college but instead of a nice comfy job in my area of study, I am now a member of the US Marine Corps.  My MOS is 0341 Mortorman (Infantry for the layman) meaning I spend most my time on my PS3 (sad but true).  Being in a branch that does not really foster personal opinion I will once again turn to the Gamespot blogs as an outlet for reviews, opinion, and of course mindless rants (what can I say, a specialty of mine).  So get ready for the ride, I plan on writing on the following: games, movies, TV shows, music, Marine life, maybe some cannabis? (Colorado native here), interesting shit, random shit, and some shit.  I promise the conversation will be more intelligent than the earlier years but bear with, I can be a little ranty sometimes.  All and all, I am the TruPrince, hear me rant!

Said I'd never play it but...

When I first saw someone play the World of Warcraft I told myself right then and there that I would never play that retarded game. I even went so far as to call my friends who did play it a bunch of **** Not me though, I played real man games with guns, explosions, and killing! However, this year for my second year of college I moved in with a buddy of mine who happened to looooove the game. He's the kid who even though he is a level 70 he still spends at least 6 hours a day doing daily quests or dungeons with his guild. He is also one of those kids with 5 level 70s. I first I just didn't understand it. To me the game looked like a bunch of walking, no fighting, and repetitive gameplay. So one day he's convinces me to download the free 10 day trial. After waiting FOREVER for the 3GB file to finish we sat down to play. I decided to use a dwarf hunter. This, however, was a HUGE mistake. The starting area sucked and my character was a **** After 2 hours of playing I died and decided that with the death of my hunter my interests in the game died as well. Fast forward a month with me to an extremely boring and slightly hungover Saturday. I was laying on my couch still trying to get the mugginess out of my head and see straight so I decided to turn on my xbox and play a little Fable. After 20 minof playing I was forced to turn it off. It just seemed so childish. Plus I was defiantly not in the mood for a loud shoot 'em up game. So i decide maybe WoW deserves one more chance. Went to the fridge, grabbed another beer, and began to play. I am now a level 32 Paladin and I'm not planning on playing a different game anytime soon. Funny how only a month ago I was saying I would never even touch the game. Weird how things work out

Oh the Wonderful Feeling of Waiting

There is a reason why i never pre-order games. I absolutely HATE waiting for the game to come out. I know i know I'm just being impatient but its really not my fault. Take for instance the most recent game I pre-ordered, Fable II. The reason I am sooo impatient for it to come out is because of various reasons. The first is this website. Here i am cruising around the site and Oh Hey a Fable II?! Nice!! Then I watch all the videos and read all the previews and stare longingly at all the screen-shots. Even make one of them my computer's background. So now I'm completely hooked on the game. The other reason is because Best Buy for some reason lets you already pre-order the game. Its not going to be out for another two months or something!! So now I'm stuck with staring at the empty pre-order case and playing my free copy of Pub Games (which is actually pretty addicting). That leads me to another reason for my impatience, Pub Games. In this simple yet kinda fun game of luck you can unlock items and amass a fortune before Fable II is even released. So now I'm unlocking items for the game that guess what, I cant even use yet!! But i came up with a solution. I decided to past the time yet get me ready for Fable II I'll go out and get Fable: The Lost Chapters. Well of course none of the games stores near me have the game so I have to order it off the Internet. MORE WAITING!! This is getting slightly ridiculous. I'm sure i will feel better once it arrives but in the meantime Ill just keep on playing Pub Games and complaining hahaha

New Prince of Persia!!!!

Now If you have read my other blogs you would find out that I am obsessed with the Price of Persia trilogy. But the other day my friend dropped a bomb on me...NEW POP!! I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am for this game! Game producers expect a release by holiday 2008 (whatever Holiday that means). Another little fun fact is that the game is being done by the same producers that made Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft Montreal. I am going to stay on top of this information till the day it comes out because I'm sure it is going to be just that good! Last little tidbit, website says the game doesn't have the sands anymore and will be more free-world based gameplay. Hmmm interesting

Starcraft...the Original Awesome

Early this week I decided to buy the Starcraft Battle Chest (original game and expansion) to take the place of my bored nights and the nights I'm not drinking with friends at school. Now being in college is not all about homework there is a lot of time involving sitting on your a$$ so I needed something really productive to pass the time. In short, I chose Starcraft. Now a lot of you might be saying great choice that game is pretty old and can't be fun anymore why didn't I just buy a newer game? Well newer is not always better. Starcraft is the only RTS (real time strategy) that can be really enjoyed. It has a very interesting and well developed plot line with developed characters that are shown throughout the game and not just there for one mission. The background story is very interesting and is slowly reveled to you throughout the game drawing you in more and more. The gameplay is awesome too. Even though the graphicsare an old 2D almost 3D form the game involves huge fights, strategies, and fun units to create and use. The Expansion, Brood Wars, is a wonderful game as well because of the harder gameplay and improved units. Brood War also expands on the story line that the original started adding more twists and new challenges. Plus the units used throughout the game have been redone with a few changes to make the game just a little bit better.

All in all this is an amazing game that has helped shaped the games we have today. Plus, if your like me and looking forward to the Starcraft II, then this is a great way to get ready for it! The game by itself is only ten bucks and the battle chest is only twenty so its a great buy for hours of fun. I defiantly highly recommend this game.

Starcraft II (FINALLY)

Yes that is right I said STARCRAFT II!!!! As a huge fan of the original Starcraft this is very exciting news. I was crusin gamespot one day lookin for something ta do and look at when something I never thought would catch my eye popped up. New Starcraft II trailer?? What is this?? After spending the next hour going through every video and screen shot I could I am about to burst. I've been checking everyday for an update on the release date but still no change in the solid TBA. All the game developers are all saying it'l come out when its perfect but COME ON!! Hurry it up already! Now I know Blizzard is one of those companys that is so big it doesn't have to tell anyone anything but please please PLEASE give me something to look forward to. All I'm asking for is a date, they can change it later but for now I need something ta run with. In the mean time its run throughs of the first Starcraft until the next one or I get bored (which I doubt will happen anytime soon)

The Mellow Rant of Being Blue

Have you ever just woke up one day and just felt blue? Lately this has been a common thing for me. I'm not saying I'm depressed or anything just blue. Where nothing sounds fun, there's nothing on tv, your friends are busy, and all your games just look boring and old. Next thing ya know your cruising the internet listening to weird mellow and slightly sad music. Now either it's just from being in college and having nothing ta do but drink, homework, and have stupid fights with friends or its a sickness. I think that being blue is like having a cold. One night after a long night of partying you get a little virus that usually goes away after a day if taken care if but sometimes can get out of control. The most important thing with this blue cold is the morning after. From wake-up to about 11 nothing can go wrong whatsoever. The best thing to do is wake-up and listen to some music that is going to make you move and dance. Then text a friend that is always happy and excited. This way you can hopefully let some of their weird and highly contagious happy virus rub off on you. If this happens then your in the clear but if not it all comes down to showering and breakfast. Hot shower followed by a mellow breakfast. I say mellow because it doesn't have to be big but it does have to be enjoyed slowly. This way the period of only thinking about how good your food is and how it couldn't get any better lasts so much longer thus putting you in a good mood. Anyways what it all comes down to is if your feeling blue get rid of it quick. Otherwise it will totally consume an entire day and leave you feeling cheated out of a perfectly good Sunday...which is why I'm here at 1:01 writing a blog. What a day

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Just recently a friend and I were arrested for theft. After getting the relief of not having to spend 3 months in prison a buddy of mine decided I needed a way to take out my anger on the courts and police without doing something that would but me back in prison. I was soon sitting down to play GTA San Andreas. First impressions...utter disbelief. That soon moved to having fun but damn...I didn't know a game could do that?! Now I see why lots of parents wont let their children play this game. Don't get me wrong I like the game, beating down a cop in the game is a lot easier and better than doing it on the streets. Plus I can steal as much sh*t as I want and not have to deal with the courts bullsh*t (two min in court cost me $182. Sound fair to you?). So over the next couple days I'll work on beating the game cause it will keep me out of trouble...which for some reason sounds horribly wrong hahaha

F#@k Xbox 360

I AM SO SICK OF MY XBOX!!!!!! How many times is it going to tell me my discs are unreadable? How many times will it make the weirdest noises before destroying yet another disc? How many times will I open the damn thing to see rings on the outside of my disc? HOW MANY F@#KING TIMES??!! I'm selling the damn thing to some kid for $250 dollars and couldn't be happier to see it go. I've been an Xbox guy through and through all my life though. Never owned a PlayStation and never wanted to. But now....I'm getting a PS3 and I don't care how much it costs. When the 360 first came out it was one of the best times of my life. Last night however it ruined my friends Call of Duty 4 which I will now have to replace...that's the third one it has ruined for no reason. F#@k Xbox 360 and f@#k just lost one of your biggest fans

The ever changing face of games

Today while in my friends room we noticed adds for the new Grand Turismo 5 and decided to look at some of the various screen shots.What I saw blew my mind! The graphics for this game are amazing and so smooth. It almost just looked like actual photos with a tiny bit of enhancement. The mind-blowing part is just look at the games from 06-07 compared to the new HD games of 08. This morning for fun I loaded up NBA Live 06 and was shocked at how bad it looked compared to this years games. It seemed so retro and slow. This made me feel excited for the future of gaming and I can't wait to see it change even more and look even better.
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