- TruSake’s Activity
The trailer shows a mess of a movie as it has already been reported that it is.
He should be nominated and win. About time Hugh Jackman gets his due to get an Oscar for playing Wolverine. He should've at least had been nominated for Logan, he wasn't. A Best Supporting Actor is no...
Would've been nice to see Taylor play Dazzler, even if just as a quick cameo.
Nobody was excited for Swift being in the movie, more like worried. The media is the one that makes up these headlines for clickbait. Like "The Rock" being unrecognizable in the new movie he's playing...
So Turn10 not one of them?
Need a dictionary in handy to read this review. It’s about as “obfuscated” as the plot of this game.
Released FILLED with bugs. Empty career mode, empty multiplayer mode. Horrible leveling up system that was finally removed due to player pressure. Cheap menu layout. Same old cars, same old tracks… th...
@gatsbythepig: well, he is the movie's franchise. Bourne was recast and it lasted one movie. Terminator was recast and they went back to Arnold. Star Wars was recast, and they still go back to the old...
Disney made him disappear.
Wouldn't want to be in a theatre for that long. At home, I'd watch it in 2 or 3 sittings.
@deactivated-6051cfb0d2384: if anyone sounds racist is you.
@5tu88sy: oh ok, thanks for letting us know
Sounds like the game would’ve been better as a Doom like shooter.
@naomha1: not at any point the reviewer mentions gta v or rdr 2. You did.
@hushed_kasket: when I see the word woke it ends up being that something is different about it that conservatives just don’t like, because they rather just everything stay the same. So it’s definitely...
@Infamous-C: I’m guessing they forgot to write down the con, not that it doesn’t have any. He did wrote on the review the combat wasn’t that great.
A cash cow, as if they need it.
Terseness. Learned a new word.
Publishing companies like EA, Take-two, Bethesda and such, have taken full advantage of consumers for the past few years by constantly releasing broken games to make quick cash and fixing it as it goe...
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