Hey there, I read this and also suffering from OCD I understood exactly what you were talking about. I even made this account now just purely so I could respond :P (even though it is a year later and you probably wont be notified but hey, anything to give support!) Like you I have noticed such obsessions when playing games that can become way more than just a little annoying. For me it usually ranges from I'm guessing fairly common things such as having to 'explore' the whole map, but often this exploring means going back numerous times to somthing as simple as a standard unimportant object ie table, and looking at it from all sides I can, detailing all the texture. I know the chances of it having something important on it is highly unlikely, (unless its some easter egg thing), I still feel I need to do it or I havn't fully experienced the game. Imagine what playing rpg sandboxs can be like with the urge to experience everything :P I also have had similar, though not as extreme experiences with the whole 'if someone did something that I didn't my character isnt really mine/ i dont deserve to go on etc'. Over time and after much analysing of my situation I have managed to combat it through weight of rational thinking if that makes sense haha. I figure, it's going to be impossible for me to experience every single thing in every single game I play as it would take up my entire life. Even if i tried to it would take unfathomable amount of years to truely do it to the degree my mind would demand. With this reasoning I force myself to stop thinking about the obsession (no easy feat as im sure your awear! it mostly came from just exhaustion of thinking that allowed me to turn this off :P) As for the having to have game progress come 100% from myself, that can be tricker to overcome. at least for me it is. Though this is not the ideal solution, and can sometimes not always be possible, I feel it may be able to help reduce the amount of rerolls you have to do. If someone else does something on my character or profile, to even it out I have to do something better. The simplest example I can think of is say someone else unlocks an achievement on my account, I have to unlock a more difficult one or at least repeat the required conditions of the original. This wont always help me but often it allows me to relax enough to forget about it after a few hours gameplay. Anyways I probably havn't been much help but I figure its always refreshing to know there are others out there with the same things going on as you.
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