I believe the info that was achieved through the event due to no unnecessary viewers is very much appreciated. It seemed more about getting the games out to the "right" people rather than forcing those people to wait. I definitely like the situation better and made for a more flowing environment. Thanks to the guys at GS for getting us the much needed info.
Wow, arrogant Michigan fans. Too bad a win won't come until your team gets a great coach. One like Tressel. I'm an OSU fan personally, but I'd like to see MU get a better coach. Rivalry is always more fun when you have two good teams going at it, rather than one team dominating every year (even though I like winning).
Finaly Fantasy=Overrated and Tekken 6 looks to be just another watered down fighting game. I do look foward to most of the other games, but not to sure about Ridge Racer.
Trukero08's comments