@TruthSerum808 Sounds like you're mad because you can't socialize with other gamers about how hard this game is anymore.actiongamer1985
You say that like its a bad thing. Nowadays just about every game on the planet has some social aspect to it, especially Dragon's Dogma with its pawn system. But the truth is the game isn't even that hard once you figure out where to go.
Its really the "switch at any time" aspect of the easy mode that really bugs me. It should have been separate from normal mode. Having it switch at any time makes it A PART of normal mode. Making it switch at any time takes away consequences and replaces them with choices. I don't know if you can get your head around that but those are two totally different things.
I remember going to rescue Quina in the Whitchwood and having to sneak through the countryside with my party avoiding bandits that were nearby over the ridge and being totally on edge because my party's health was running low and there was no Inn in sight. It was glorious. That experience would have been TOTALLY different with a "swtch at any time" easey mode. Get it?
I'm not sure if this is the best analogy but think of it like the movie The Matrix. We knew nothing in that world was real bet it FELT real and dangerous because the CONCEQUENCES were real. If you died in the Matrix you died for real.
Now on the other hand take a move like Sucker Punch. It had FANTASTIC visuals, great fight scenes and cool looking monsters. But Sucker Punch was as boring as can be because we knew it was all a dream with no concequences and no real danger.
Now after the easy mode patch in Dragon's Dogma you can win at any time if you choose to but you can pretend that the easy mode is not there. With easy mode you can choose to cut and run if you are out matched when before the patch you HAD TO run if you were outmatched or you were gonna die.
Capcom just took The Matrix and turned it into Sucker Punch simply to cater to casuals.
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