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10 Things You May Not Know About Tsug.

That's right, 10. Because the number 10 is my friend, and I'm in a blogging mood.

10: The character Tsug is from a story my brother and I are making. He's a smart-ass wind spirit with an ego, so of course I connected with his character, so I started using him for my username.

9: Before I was Tsug, I had many different usernames. They were pretty generic and lame. Im happy with this username, but I'd probably use a different one if I was choosing now, a name of a different character.

8: For the one person out there that doesn't get it, Tsug is backwards for gust. Simple, but smooth. For my username, I was originally going to be Tsug_The_Wind_Spirit, but that was too long. Tsug_The_Wind sounds pretty bad, but Tsug_Ze_Wind = awesomeness.

7: My nickname IRL, for quite a while, was Gecko. There was a story behind it, but it still sounds pretty bad. After I ditched the nickname, I tried many others, but nothing stuck. After I learned the origin of my real name, I accepted my own.

6: So....what's the deal with this?




It's become sort of my signature. I just started doing that randomly, but you know, it fits. Gotta let the breeze pass through!

5: If I had to take a guess, I'd say that me, my, myself, or I appear in over 95% of my posts. Told you I have an ego!

4: My stance on fanboyism is that it is just like rooting for a sports team. If you don't want to participate, at least respect those who do, and just because a guy can get tickets to any game he wants, doesn't mean he's above those who just go to home games.

3: I'm addicted to emoticons, especially :P, so much so that I sometimes have to edit some out of my post. I've tried to cut down. Consider me in emoticon rehab.

2: I may act like the Internet is serious business sometimes, but it's mostly because I like to debate aggressively. I may exaggerate things, but I don't take them personally.

1: My dream is to be a musician.

Well, that didn't really end up being 10 things you didn't know, maybe 3 or so, but nowhere did I promise that you wouldn't know all of them. "MAY not", see?

I don't know who I could possibly tag, because it seems like everyone has been tagged already. So, if you haven't been tagged, uh, consider yourself tagged.