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After CoD4: The Multiplat Wars, As Pathetic As Ever.

Multiplats aren't all that important in SW. No matter how much you whine about this and that, the opposition is still getting the same game. There are cases where bickering about multiplats is warranted (VF5 being an example), but for the most part, multiplats aren't worth **** in the SW metagame.

So why is it that with almost every multiplat that comes out, there's this kind of bickering and whining? It reeks of desperation to me that you would go as far asto declare supremacy over something like aslight framerate drop. And it's never been as pathetic as with CoD4, where both games got the same AAA score but the argument continues. Here's my take on it:

Cows, don't get too excited. A multiplat scored the same as the 360 version. It is merely equal. Shouldn't your heaven-sent and heaven-hyped powerhouse machine be doing better? Don't you realize how idiotic it sounds to be cheering "Woohoo, we have the same quality product as those guys for once!"

Lemmings, drop it. There's no need for damage control, as there's no damage. It makes you look just as silly and stupid.

Hermits...actually, I haven't heard much from you. Good job being the better men (to my knowledge).

CoD4 shouldn't even need a sticky. It's done. The verdict: Shut up.

That was a fun rant. Feel free to comment.