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After GOTY: My Fellow Sheep...We Need To Talk.

So I come back from a horrible Christmas trip (Guess what I got? Nothing. Just the joy of having to sit around, hungry.), and I see that GS's GOTY has been revealed. SMG won! Woohoo! Yay! Uh...yeah. Kay.

So it seems that right after the event, I see my fellow wool-kin fine-tuning their arguments and preparing their weapons of choice, getting ready to own the opposition with this new ammunition. But hold your horses, brothers and sisters - why is GS credible again?

Sure, it's very nice for the award to go to a Wii game, and a Mario game. That seems like double-ownage right there to anyone that doubted us. But remember, remember, the 29th of November? Gerstmanngate? Even lemmings are switching. Andnow, we want to go back to the standard where we were bull****ed more than once? We want to be the first to break from the revolution, ironically? C'mon guys, we're better than that.

I'm just saying, wait. SMG will no doubt sweep the GOTY from most other sites and sources, being the 2nd best game on Gamerankings and all, you tend to do that. We were way too hasty on this, and our image in SW is hurting already.

Now, I'm happy. I won two bets. My record's lookin' good. And us bet winners get to head on down to SW Bets and make usselves a sig for the losers. We can celebrate. But for the rest of my fellow sheep...let's just maintain our dignity here. Remember, we're the dignified fanboys.