I've decided that I need more 360 games, and I'm planning to get these two games tomorrow. My brother really wants Crackdown, so I'll probably be getting that no matter what. I liked the demo - though I don't think the game lended itself well to a demo, with the RPG elements and all. But it succeeded at hyping the game for us. I'm wondering though, after you max out all your stats and destroy everyone - what else is there? Does the game end at some point? I'd like to hear from someone who's beaten the game.
And then there's Skate. I planned to get it when I got Halo, but they didn't have it again. Ironic - they had tons of copies of the most anticipated game ever, but this little-hyped skateboarding game was sold out twice. I guess that's a good thing, though.
I finally got around to playing the demo - impressed. Although the camera is annoying at times.
For those who have played the two games - impressions?