I was sick in bed for the weekend, so I had two choices: I could've dragged myself over to the computer to write about how sick I was, or I could...not do that. I chose the latter.
I got an unexpectedly positive response to the Fanbios, despite only having the time to start off with a single entry. I guess I'm just that good. :D Now let's try to get this going.
Kcpp2b (denies) - Kcpp2b is the creator and Capo Crimine, A.K.A. Boss, of SystemWars Bets. Inside, he keeps the thread light-hearted with his strange sense of humor. Outside, he attempts manticore but usually comes out pro-360. Also has an unusual and suspicious fascination with Prince and Borat. Hmm...
The-very-best (accepts) - The-very-best is SW's biggest GTA fanboy. He is also in the running for, if not the most prolific thread-maker in SW. Keeps it mostly unbiased, with seperate personal opinion usually towards Sony. Believed by one deluded fanboy to have strange powers over fanboys in SW.
Tsug_Ze_Wind (accepts) - Tsug_Ze_Wind is a supporter of fanboyism and is opposed to GUFU and its kind. He is a self-proclaimed veteran poster and wind spirit. He is also the Capo Bastone, A.K.A. Underboss, at SystemWars Bets, and is mostly found in that thread. He also created what you are reading, and can therefore say whatever he want about himself, but chose to keep it humble for the sake of a good first impression. By the way, Tsug is the best poster on System Wars.
CaseyWegner (denies) - CaseyWegner is SW's resident mod. Known to be blunt, he (yes, he, let there be no confusion) usually attempts to bring hyped fanboys back down to earth by reminding them of their hyped games' chance of failure. Resume includes a well-recieved thread titled "System Wars Myths That Need To Die," and a failed attempt to establish an official system to decide the winner of System Wars.
Feel free to comment, flame, debate, or ask for your own entry. I'll get around to it eventually.