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I Hate Thanksgiving. It's My Favorite Holiday.

The holiday season is terrible. We get barraged with horrible Halloween commercials, questions about what we're doing for Halloween,stupid Halloween specials on TV, kids knocking at the door even though there's clearly no lights on and nothing to make you assume we have anything for you, which makes the dog bark incessantly. Repeat for the next two holidays, over the next two months. At least with Halloween places stay open so I can partially escape it.

Yessir, I'm the epitome of Scrooge and proud of it. Ever since my early atheist qualities made me question the existence of Santa Claus at6(only the first of many annoyances to my traditional family), I've never seen a big deal in taking one day to force some kind of celebration or moral. If it's so important to you, celebrate it every day, and stop bugging me.

I like Thanksgiving though....No I don't, but I hate it less than the other holidays. I only realized it this year. I stopped getting excited for trick-or-treating at 7, I stopped getting excited for recieving presents on Christmas at 12, and now, I kind of understand why you don't grow out of Thanksgiving.

It's obviously because you don't grow out of food, and in the U.S. midwest, you have Americanfootball (or as I've now taken to calling it, "downball," because the goal is downs and it's not invading another sportwhere the namemakes more sense). Well, I eat too much anyway, and I've never been interested in watching "downball" on TV, so it still sucks. Plus, places are closed (except for my McDonalds, thank god), and there's still TV specials, annoying questions, and only slightly less horrible commercials. (No one pretending to be Dracula or Santa Claus, just turkey noises.)

Bring on February! No, March! No, April! No...