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Journal of Nov. 29, 2007

10:00 PM: I get home from the local card shop. My eye really hurts, so I decide to just check GS really quick before I go to bed.

I go to SW. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for a thread that said Jeff's Kane & Lynch review was on Youtube. I wondered why that was worthy of a thread, but didn't pay any more notice. I looked up at the SW Bets thread. I was gone for four hours, and it had grown by 100 posts. Something happened.

I went in. I noticed Deadman had a new sig, with a Jeff gif and cursing Eidos and Cnet. Something really bad went down. 5 pages later, I got caught up. The story? A strong rumor that Jeff had been fired over his Kane & Lynch review, because Eidos threatened to pull.

I don't like Jeff. I think his review style is unprofessional and at the same time pretty nerdily pompous. Plus, 8.8. But this was bad news, because it led to more suspicions about GS, which moved to Cnet, which moved to gaming journalism as a whole, buckling under to threats, and accepting bribes.

I went to see the huge thread in OT. I saw sheep, cows, lemmings, hermits, manticores, OT non-gamers, and level 1 accounts abound.People were signing petitions, making calls, cancelling subscriptions,porn suiciding,trashing anything Kane & Lynch related on Gamespot, and what will be most infamous, the utter annihilation of the Eidos boards. I truly feared clicking on those links. Who knows what kind of things they were doing, but I suspected, the Eidos boards were the garbage heaps for the internet that night. I needed sleep.

So what does SW do now? The obvious answer is to use Gamerankings, and I think it's inevitable at this point.What does Gamespot do now? Time will tell. What do people who want honesty do now? Hey, tough luck.

Me? Well, I'm heading to Arizona in a couple days, and although I've been dreading the trip, maybe it'll be good to get away from this site for a while again. It'll be interesting to come back and see how things have developed.

P.S. Coincidentally, this incedent occured the day after I posted a very secretive blog post. Of course, this is a far bigger deal than my little sheep mind could've ever thought of. I don't think SW is prepared for our master plan now, so we'll wait until it cools off and gets back to a more controlled insanity. Mmkay? Toodle-oo.