It was, of course, expected that SW would go up in flames if Nintendo's conference was less than amazing - and it was definitely less than amazing.
In SW, disappointment is failure, and failure is unacceptable, the punishment being lots of whining, mockery, and exaggeration. For Nintendo, that means claims of betrayal, stagnation, and "OMFG Reggie STFU."
All expected. Even though E3 was an all-around dud again, the spotlight is on Nintendo, who needed the E3 the most. There's really no point in damage control, so for those who still have their sanity somewhat intact, let's wait this one out for a few days. SW outrage is intense, but it burns out awful quickly.
As for E3? It's on its deathbed. We can hope for a good one next year, but I'm not holding my breath.