Okay, so we all know that this music today blah blah what happened to quality blah blah guitar solos.
But I can't for the life of me figure this out; Why do music videos suck so much?
You'd think that would be what increases in quality as the quality of the actual music goes down, like turning it into a visual medium to imprint the faces of these pop stars, doing something very interesting and cool instead of having to rely on (god forbid) their sound, on people's minds?
No. Even that's too hard apparently, because in a video the singer or whoever the main focus is is either standing around singing, standing around not singing, or doing something random that has nothing to do with anything. No shiny, cool, or edgy visual, just their boring selves. Does that mean....people are buying their albums not because they're hypnotized and brainwashed, butbecause of the music???
And it seems every video is a variation of this ever-so-popular "stand around doing nothing" formula. Look, they're standing around doing nothing in different places! Look, many instances of that guy being boring that's I guess supposed to tell a story or something! Look, they suddenly broke out into an awkward-looking dance!
I have to give props where they're due, though. Lots of sex, scantily clad women, and...scantily clad women. They at least know that much about attracting people's attention. Hey, look what's driving yet another industry!