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Screw It. No, Wait...

You know what's great about Metroid Prime 3? Everything - the controls, the levels, the boss battles, even teh gr4ph1x. By the end of the gen, it's going to be seen as one of the best titles you can find on this gen's consoles.

So why can't I beat it?

I'm not stuck on anything, nor am I even bored with the game. But any time I would want to play it, I want to play something else more. And that something is always....A multiplayer game.

I'm so addicted to those games that I can't even get myself to play a single-player game, no matter how good the game is. So, I'm not going to try anymore. Maybe I'll come back to those games eventually and beat them, but for now it just isn't gonna happen. I've got too many games to look forward to to look back on incomplete games.

So that settles it: No more single-player games.

Wait, no, I don't want that either. I have no problem playing through Mario games and the like without interest being diverted. (A good thing too, 'cause I'm as hyped for Galaxy as ever.) But in general, multiplayer games hold my attention for eons longer then any single-player game. I'm a multiplayer guy (but not really an online guy). And I only have so much time for gaming.

But acceptance of this means that I won't play some of the best games of this gen. That also sucks.

Hmmm.....perhaps I could buy the great single-player games anyway to see if they do keep my attention? But then, if they don't, I've wasted money. Except not really, because they're still great games in my possession that I'll play eventually.

You know what, I think I will do that. Oh, wait....that means nothing's changed.

Thank you for wasting your time. Feel free to comment.