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Sheep - The New Animals of Hype.

We know cows as the fanboy group that hypes everything to astronomical proportions. We all remember Killzone, the PSP hype, the pre-launch PS3 hype, the Killzone 2 hype, Heavenly Sword hype, Lair hype.

But recently, cows have calmed down quite a bit. Sure, there are still some who are worshipping Uncharted and R&C, but for the majority of cows, it's laying low until MGS4 and FF13.

Meanwhile, sheep are quickly becoming the excited bunch. We have countdown threads for every A and above game coming out (many but not all of which started by our main hype man, Willy105), we have the ginormous Smash Bros. Dojo thread, we have campaigns for games predicted to sell less than great, we have pink font, and of course, the Smash Bros. Dojo itself, which updates five times a week.

This is clearly different from sheep not too long ago, who, excluding giants like Zelda TP, were very quiet about their games.

Unlike cows however, we no longer are hyping to inevitable ownage. In the official hype threads, we're being very careful, and clearly not honest. It's a bit cowardly, but can you blame us? We have to wait it out until GS proves they aren't underscoring and failing us like they have so far. I however, for the record,always hype honestly.

What do you think? Are we now fun-loving party animals that drink responsibly, or are we just spineless, afraid to put our money where our mouths are?