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Why am I here?

I'm not back. But I haven't left. I'm I'm here because I couldn't stop lurking, and I was curious to see the Brawl review. But I don't even care about it now that there's no bets to be resolved. It doesn't make sense.

Have I forgiven Gamespot? Hell no. I've got plenty I still want to say on the SW Bets issue. Maybe that's the problem.

Let's get it all out.

The argument against us is that it's not Gamespot's fault, it's the anti-gambling law. Never mind that it took Gamespot to judge our silly thread as "gambling," and failed to talk with us about it, maybe about changing the thread to be less like their gambling definition. They removed our union and all of our past bets forever, and deleted all of our sigs, including my non-SW Bets related sig that I don't have a copy of. Then, they warned us not to speak of this atrocious action against our silly thread, lest we face suspension.

Now, Duxup posted in rocktimusprime's blog saying that our anger is misdirected towards people that are working with us. This doesn't look like that at all. Deleting all the banners, silencing us with threats of moderation? How was that just acting with the "law?" How was that not sweeping it under the rug? If they care, (hint: they don't, and I don't expect them to) they have a funny way of showing it.

Gamespot would rather we leave. We've caused them too much trouble, and we're, what, 7-8 users out of thousands? Get out of here already. My feelings are mutual, Gamespot. I'd love to distance myself and this site, but yet I'm here.





Because you're here.

If it wasn't for you guys, the community, I would have left a long time ago. I'm sure many of us feel the same, in fact, I'd bet that the community is the sole reason for half the users to stay on Gamespot. The problem with this is that Gamespot doesn't have to change or improve at all, because we'll still be here, the masochistic community.

Gamespot needs to learn that the community's all they've got left, and they need to treat us better. Who's with me here?

At any rate, I'd never be content with leaving without you guys knowing where I end up. And since I have no place to go right now, I guess I'll be here. Not back, not leaving.

There's one last thing I want to talk about. I saw that subrosian and Willy are working on a project called the SW House Cup, where posters guess review scores, and earn points that go towards their group. It's a great itself. But it'll just never be the same as SW Bets. So I can't fully put my support behind it. But good luck, ande I'm sorry if you wanted to keep it secret.