SW Bets was locked, our union was deleted, and now we're going to be moderated for mention of the word "bets," or having the banners in our sigs. Way to go Gamespot. Way to keep the community around.
I might have left SW forever if SSBB got AA, because of a bet of my own. But, I would have said goodbye to my friends, I would have stuck around my unions for a bit, and I would have said my farewells in SW Monthly. Now, I'm just leaving, angry and confused.
This blog will be moderated. Whether I'll be banned or not I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter. Gamespot is trying to sweep all of this under the rug. At any rate, I'll be posting this again, on a different site, and I'll be spreading the word on how Gamespot has stooped to this level against a completely harmless and much-loved part of the community.
I don't expect anyone to follow me, my ego isn't quite that big. To most of you though, hopefully this is another reason to think about the site. If you're keeping track as I am, those reasons should be piling high right about now.
So, goodbye my fellow sheep, hopefully our jargon and culture, products of the community, don't have to be restricted to this site.
Goodbye to the legion of FRGU, all two of you. I don't know how to make one of you leader, but eh. Whatever.
Goodbye to all of my friends, I hope you guys remember me at least a bit.
Sorry to Willy and SW Monthly for not doing my final Weather Report, but I don't want to get you guys in trouble. Just remember, you can't mourn the passing of SW Bets, have anything related to SW Bets, or say the word "Bets."
Lastly but not leastly, goodbye to the underappreciated SW community, and know that there actually is a community underneath the bloodlust.
What do you expect now, a porn suicide? No thanks. Gamespot already killed themselves. At least I'll be classy about it.
Tsug out.