Whoo boy...a lot of stuff has gone down in the past week. A whole saga of events that I feel should be written down and archived as an epic, but that's for another blog. Right now, I just want to set a few things straight, and do what I was going to do before I found out I couldn't post blogs for some reason. :?
You may have seen the thread in its less glorious state, right after we were unstickied. We were all panicking, planning to leave to another site, cursing out everyone and everything that opposed us. It was not the proudest moment, but I stand by most of what I did.
First off, I just want everyone to know that we were told nothing about getting unstickied. We had to get the hint from coming across the sticky in the making, and piece together what was going to happen ourselves. We were completely ignored before and after the event when we tried to ask questions, and that is the main reason this whole thing escalated.
Our opposition did everything behind the scenes, and tried to let no one know until it was too late. We wanted to do the opposite, getting the community involved and making as much noise as possible. It didn't work as well as we'd hoped because we had no support from the powers that be, and if there's anything I've learned from this whole ordeal, it's that people fear anyone with more authority than them to the point of phobia.
But, that wasn't the whole reason. I admit I was rushing things, telling everyone to join us in leaving the site, and that's why I'm not surprised that our petition didn't go anywhere. But, I'm trying again.
Here they are, sign both if you can. No "Do this now or we're leaving the site," just a bunch of people in favor of getting this thread restickied. We've calmed down, and now we're going to have our wits about us, but we will get SW Bets restickied, and its place as an SW necessity restored.
If you want to help out even more, here's the sig that most of the SW Bets Mob is wearing.
Feel free to copy + paste it into your sig. Help restore SW Bets.