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SW: Now in a smaller box.

And here I thought they were done at character vs. character threads.

"Threads solely about gaming information, linkage to gaming information or game discussions should go to General Game Discussion unless it ties into the System Wars theme. For example threads providing solely gaming news or news links, bulletins, trailers, screenshots, etc has nothing to do with System Wars."

Now apparently, even gaming news is off-topic. :|




Honestly, this seems like a pretty easy rule to get around (Instead of just posting news, we post news and ask whether this affects Console A or B more - Lookie, SW relevant. Whee.) But why can't they just leave the damn board alone? Did they really think this was necessary? Was there really a problem with irrelavent news flooding the board?

No, I think the problem is that no one gives a **** about GGD, the place they want this news to go. They have this bias against SW, but what they don't realize is that it's actually GGD that's the problem. It's a borefest. It's just SW Lite.

Gamespot, please, if one board has to be neutered, make it GGD. Don't ruin the only good board you have.