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SW Shout-Out #12

The SW Shout-Outs have made their triumphant return! Wait, no they haven't. I'm still doing something different next Monday, but I lost a be - er, I feel like I have to expose this poster for who he really is.

Last Shout-Out was the father of SW Bets. Now, the lowly scum that inhabits the SW sewers.


You may know Tsug_Ze_Wind as a king among sheep. At least, that's what he'd like you to believe. In reality, he's an insignificant nothing, but more on that later.

Tsug began his life as SW fanboy scum right after E3 '06. Because of his miniscule brain, he chose the easy, non-thinking route and trolled Sony fanboys, the poor souls that were going through some hard times. Just try to kick 'em when they're down, you coward.

I say "try," because Tsug failed at every attempt to "own" a cow. The cows used him as their punching bag for a while, then he was thrown to the sheep, who accepted him because of their nonexistent standards.

Luckily for him, he was on a team with a promising future. Unfortunately for them, they had Tsug. Through his moronic blunders, he single-handedly caused the Wii to be priced at $250. The sheep continued to support him, bless their hearts, but there was nothing they could do to stop him from making a fool out of himself and them all.

After the flop of Zelda (which is believed to also be Tsug's accidental doing), through some horrific mistake, Tsug became the voice of the sheep. The defense had valid arguments that might have been able to control the damage dealt, but all was lost amongst Tsug's angry shouting of "teh bias!11!" and "Mircosp0t!11!"

And so it continued, through the flop of Super Paper Mario to finally the flop of MP3.

Luckily, Tsug eventually found a new place to spread his filth: SW Bets. All was going well for the humble betting parlor until he came and destroyed it. 'Tis a shame, but it's for the best. Tsug has found a home in SW Bets' undersewers, and may we never see his grotesque face (or opinion) again.

What I do have to say about Tsug_Ze_Wind? Why would you want to know? I am Tsug_Ze_Wind. Why are you even here? Get out of here while your mind is untainted and your clothes smell decent! I thought Dewy's Adventure would get A, for crying out loud!

But feel free to comment before you escape. :)