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SW Shout-Out #5

Last week I spoke of the-very-best's strange power of getting rabid SWers to come to an agreement, today I'll be talking about someone who can end arguments in another fashion....with the banhammer! Yes it iz t3h m0Dz 0H n035!


(Don't ban me.)

I feel that I need to start off by saying in bold, red letters: There's no need to fear t3h m0dz.

Casey, along with any other mod, isn't going to ban you for sneezing. (Unless of course, you sneeze without contributing anything to the current discussion. Don't ban me.) I've seen people get all up in his face, calling him a biased lemming on a power trip (Seriously, lemming? He's clearly a hermit. Don't ban me.), and as far as I know, he hasn't brought out t3h m0dd1ng sk1llz in an argument. Panicking in his presence is only going to get on his nerves, and you know what might happen then...:twisted: (It's a joke, don't ban me.)

There's also no reason to be a huge suck-up either. I see even veteran posters acting differently around him. That's gotta get on his nerves as well. (Just assuming, don't ban me.)

Look, as long as you aren't a troll, it should be fine to just go about your posting. It makes me a little sick to see SW practically come to a halt when he's around. You know, he is a regular on SW just like us, it's not like he's the popo at a huge coke party, he does actually participate in SW like the rest of us.

...Which brings me to my criticism part. (Don't ban me.) He should participate more. Whenever he makes a non-sticky-intended thread, it's usually to reaffirm a general SW rule or tradition. And while he certainly doesn't power trip, he sometimes uses his word as the end-all, not backed up by fact, and while it's not like he's saying "This is like such, so says the mod," you can kind of tell that sometimes he expects his word to carry itself because of his modness. (Don't ban me.)

But for the most part, his no-nonsense attitude benefits from his modness, in a good way. (Don't ban me.) It's just refreshing to hear him say something your team agrees with, like "Boo-yah, the mod agrees, in your face!" Let's face it, his opinion means more than ours generally. You may not like it, but it's true.

Remember kids, don't violate your TOS! :D