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The Ceaseless Moo

Man, the hype process is getting old.

"Itll never flop everz!!!1!!"

"But wat if it doez!!1!!"

"OMG SW wuld explodez!!!1!!!"

--Pretty much every thread in SW until LBP is reviewed. Then they'll move on to Gears 2, repeat process, etc.

Something's gotta flop here soon so that the newbies shut up. :x If LBP gets the expected-by-just-about-everyone 9.0, I predict another SW depression where there's just nothing to talk about.

All this LBP talk has been pretty bad for SW overall. No one actually listens to the sticky, and pretty much every thread turns into an LBP thread somehow, which then turns into the example above. I don't hate the game, but pretty much no matter what it gets now, it's overrated.

But this isn't the first time cows have taken one game and blown it up to colossal proportions. In fact, they tend to do that with every game they hype. So why is this one!

*leaves SW for 10 days*