Well, it's been a fun and occasionally dramatic three years, but it looks like I'm finally going to have to log off for good soon. I simply don't have the free time I used to, and to be honest, System Wars is absolutely dull now. It's been dull for a while, but not to this level of complete and utter boredom. There are many theories as to why the board has become so lifeless, and a lot of finger pointing in many different directions. I think it's just a lack of personality. SW is like a TV series that killed off all its likeable characters and ended all the compelling storylines.
I was thinking about writing a controversial resignation speech in a System Wars Monthly article, just to spice it up a bit (and I thought it would be fitting to go out with some drama), but it's not like this is really news. I could hardly be considered an SW regular anymore; I haven't even been following the board enough to write the Monthly Weather Report. I figure I'll help finish up the Iron 'Shop project, write one more SWM article, help the guys at NDU find someone else to manage the RISK thread, and then I'm out. And maybe, if I feel like it, I'll write a controversial resignation speech, for old times' sake. ;)