I had some problems with Xbox Live a while back, and seeing how I wasn't too addicted to Halo 2 anymore, I never fixed those problems. So, I wasn't on Live for a loooong time.
So when I saw that those problems didn't magically fix themselves when I got Halo 3, you could imagine my shock. So, I finally fixed it and I'm now back on Live. And my connection hasn't even been that bad!
If you run into Tsug Ze Wind, feel free to say hi. Of course, I won't reply, as I've lost my headset. So I'll say it in advance...hi.
Also, if you end up against Lord Tamarin (if I can ever get that account a membership - #$%& complicated one problem after another technology), expect an easy win - he'll be my little brother. Don't worry, he also lacks a headset.