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Seriously Gamespot, really...... come on now.

What the heck is going on? I've been apart of this website since Aug 2003 and now all of a sudden I'm being moderated like crazy. Thing is I hardly ever post anything, but all of a sudden one of my review got deleted and I lost points for trolling. Then 2 of my videos got deleted and I again got moderate for them because of Copywrite infringments. A simple "Hey we removed your videos because of this" would have worked nicely. And to top it all off they don't tell you what it was you wrote and you can't go back and find it cause its gone. Seriously I'm a 27 year old with a professional career, not a little kid that likes to use abuse language to get my point across. So If you are going to moderate atleast show the person what it was that was written so that maybe in the future that person won't write something like that again.

Halo 3 ad

Saw this commercial and had to post it for everyone to see....so enjoy!  One more year till it comes out!

It's here....

My 360 just came back today.  Its a refurb of course but its newer, runs quieter, and i missed that cute little white box.  As soon as i got it set up i immediately put the GoW faceplate on it, did the update cause its mandatory (scared silly of the DL cause thats what caused my initial problems), and put in GoW.  AWESOME!!! could only play for an hour but still.  I'm just glad its home.

I miss my 360....

Man this sucks.  The day my 360 broke was the day that CoD3 and GoW came out, both of which i had pre-ordered.  Right now they are both sitting on my shelf unopened waiting to be played.  I also bought the GoW faceplate and Halo faceplate just because they were there at blockbuster.  I hope i get it back soon.  I've been spending some time with my old friend, the xbox for the past few days.  I played and beat Project Snowblind in a day.  The game is pretty awesome and totally underrated if you ask me.  I started playing Pariah yesterday.  This is an other game that i thought was totally TOTALLY under rated.  Graphics are pretty awesome and the game play is wicked  I tried to play it on XBL on the 360 a while back but no one was online to play it.  I just wish they'd send me back my 360 soon.

Well my 360 broke today

This morning at aprox. 8:55 am ET my Xbox 360 died.  It led a good life, a hard, yet fun life.  After sitting on the phone for 1 1/2 hours with the MS Customer Service Rep, and spending $140 plus $20 S&H, My XBox 360 is on its way to get fixed. All this just when Gears Of War and Call of Duty 3 come out.  Hopefully i get it back, and it works, within 2 weeks so i can play both those games which i preorder and both came in today. 

Lost Planet Demo

Has anyone played this demo yet, cause if not GET ASAP!  I've had the demo since E3 and cannot stop playing it.  Is such an awesome game.  Sucks that we have to wait so long for the actual game to come out.  So many games that i want but have to wait so long for.  Thank God I'm a patient man.

FFVII: Advent Children

Just watched this movie having never played, yet wanting to baddly, Final Fantasy VII.  All i can say is...awesomeness, complete awesomeness.  I just might buy a PS3 just to play FFVII when it's re-released.  WOW...I'm in aww

Campers... I loathe you all so very much...

So the other day I was playing GRAW online.  I was playing a multiplayer match, a little 3 on 3 action, when BAM next thing you know all three of the doushe bags on the other team are now camping out at our respawning sites.  Not one, not two, but all three sites.  It was the cheapest thing I've seen since Courtney Love.  Seriously though thats soooo gay.  My grandma can win a match that way.  Seriously guys we're there to have fun, so don't be retarded.  Thanks

Online Game Ejections

I hate the guys that eject players from games because of they're rank. I sat online for like half an hour trying to play GRAW which i got 2 days ago so i'm only level one.  i hate them....so much....  
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