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Turbopowered007 Blog

output test: Hello World!

Hello there, firstly thank you for reading my blog. Secondly I have no idea why you would be reading this, as this is my first post in..well I cant really remember and too lazy to check.

I see allot has changed here on gamespot, new look, fancy features, more easier to use..and less anoying ads and loads of extra links I havent seen before.

You may ask, what on earth would I be posting here for? What would compel me...after an eternety of inactivity to post here at the same internet cafe using the same old crappy keyboard as I did 5 years ago.

Well to be honest gamespot was a really nice place 5 years ago, was my first blog and the then cool set of communities called Gamespot unions. Although Gamespot seems to have ignored, neglected and even abandoned these virtual groups the curiousity to seewhats new, hows all my old gamespotters are doing was compelling. But I"m also level 14 Ring King of some sort...cant let that go to waste...thats 2 years of active gaemspotting right there! (2006-2008).

I recently started youtubing. No not a video blog, but a collection of random videos. Im really new at this so constructive critism (from anyone actually reading this) would be appreciated. A "you suck" would work too.. you can checkout my first vid here.

Moving on, I'm not planning on only creating random videos for only the bored to see. My next few vids will be for all those stuck with an old Nokia S60 phone, and feature 5 simple ways to really pimp out your Nokia S60 Phone, to make you feel a little better until your next upgrade.

So, custom homescreens, a collection of the best apps you can get for your phone and the best websites to download these apps will all be featured in the upcoming weeks. Oh I also going to include media players that really kick your phone to the next level. Think .mkv, avi and flv all from your S60 phone.


So why would I do all of this? well I recently got myself a nokia E 5 (hence the multi-tasking test ). I was pretty impressed with the multi-tasking, good business functionality, etc. But S60 seriously doesnt compete with iPhone and Android when it comes to apps, and even when you find a good app...chances are you may get a certificate error. To make matters worse, Nokia's moving to windows so things look pretty grim for S60 users.

And thus my youtube account. Pimping out your S60phone and pushing it to the next level . I seriously hope it helps someone...even if its only a least untill they upgrade or get an iPhone or something.


Could it be ......a silent return...

I will skip all the dramatic and exagerated 'I'm back'posts and rather give some info everyone can benefit from. Yep im back, a lil older and for some reasom I couldnt help coming back to GS (desite all GS weanesses). I will be posting now and then on everyones blogs.

Now for the nice bitof info. While browsingthe net I though of taking the hotoshoppping ability to the next level and heard of the site which is a interesting website for freelancing or if you would like to get a webpage/banner/program made. The site offers jobs for freelancers n graphics design, photography, php, joomla, copywriting and much more.

Now I am in no way advertising this site, but rather putting the word out for anyone who is currently a freelancer. Another interesting site is ow I'm not sure if this is true but the website promises to pay people for posting. when you think about it- its amazing to what extend webmasters will go to make their site active. Maybe gamespot can introduce a system like that :) , imagine how rich we would all be!

'The long walk to free time'[I'm back edition]

Well after three and a half weeks of absence because of my examsI have finally returned with a brand new look :D.

So can someone tell me whats new and happening here at GS or maybe whats new at your side of the world?

Here are some pics of cars I modified, plz rate

pics 2

Extreme tuner edition

> I won't be on gamespot much in the next  three weeks because of my exams :(


Extreme tuners

here are some pics of realy unreal, but cool cars



Here is a car that I modified using photoshop


My modified version (spidercar)

Sowhat do you'll guys think of this car?


-=Upcoming attractions=-

phantom racer's sig(even more Gift giving)

personlized cars



Minutes to midnight +The Spirit of giving PART 2

Well, I finally go thenew Linken Park album , Minutes to midnight. The first thing you would probaly notice(thats if you heard some of the songs) , is that Linken Park has changed their style, so if Meteora or Hybra theory was the two albums that appeal to you, then you might be slightly dissapointed with Minutes to midnight. However if you love other rock bands, such as Blink 182, etc... Then you  LOVE Linken Parks new album.



The Spirit of giving part 2 

Here is the sigs that I promised to make in my previous blog(upcoming attractions)

Misfit 91-

-Hells gate- I'm not so sure if you like cars, but I made one for ya anyway

Gamer_Girl15 -




 ***Still coming*****



I hope you guy and ladies like the stuff I made for you'll


Here is another car that I modified


My modified one


So what do you'll guys think of it?



The spirit of giving....[edited]

Well, its been a few days since I could spend my time on gamespot, also I got warned for disruptive posting, so I apologise to anyone who felt that I have posted something that has offended them in any way.

[Well nothing much changed in this blog, exept that I go a few TOC warnings , 1 for spamming, 2 disruptive posting ,3 advertising. Now I have no clue what is going on here , but IF someone thought any of my posts were disruptive, or if you think I was spamming, I sincerely apologise as I had no intention of doing so] 

 Also I have a suspition that my account was hacked or someone fiqured out my password-since I noticed the followinf

1) Posts 'from me'  when i wasn't even on gamespot.

2) people asking me weird questions, like why did I post 'that' or something.

3) I am usually not online during the week so any disruptive posting or anything, is DEFINITLY NOT from me since I usually only log on gamespot during weekends and monday. If I am on gamespot any other day it's only for a short while.


-=Here are a few sigs I made for you'll guys=-


Veg-us/dwag/Kom-egin -you can choose between these two






Dumb Grim-Heres a pic that you can use in your sig or blog. 


Gourguzz- thanks for always posting in mi blogs 


next -up we have canana 


 Ace_451- Here's a pic that you can use in your sig/blog that mathches your banner


-=Upcoming attractions=-

-I am still working on sigs for you'll( I will post them next week)

Snipe you out
misfit 91
Quintlyhells gate


>If I missed anyone one out, pm me , then I will make you a sig/ banner . 



.... The parting of ways

These few weeks I am going to be extremely busy so I wo'nt be able to bbe on gamespot as much as usual :(, that doesnt meant that I will not be posting in your blogs, I will still be on gamespot an I will still be commenting on blogs and some union, but I won't be on gamespot long enought to run my I am going to be giving my union leadership to someoon else.


Heres a random pic


Anyway enough the boring tragic stories, heres some tuner cars

2004 Nissan 350z DG-Luck

supra mazda rx8 nissan 350z


And heres my featured pic (although its not a tuner car)

dodge Viper








Something different...

well I though it might be a good idea to post some kind of funny pic for a change instead of the usual stuff so here goes

(P.S -for loads of funny pics visit Matj's profile, every saturday he /she has a funny pic of the day)



Ahhhh... the sun, the noise I can't take it. Dude, who gave me that last whiskey shot last night. I'm paying for it this morning.

No animals were harmed in the making of this photoshoot :)( I used the same words aas the website I found the pics on)

kinda cute....






This was a ridiculas picture I found on the internet.(PS:No-offense to all Americans supporting prez. Bush, I do not has any evil intentions or anyrthing, I just found this pic funny)

Oh yeah and BTW I DID NOT MAKE this picture so gamespot, plz don't ban me or something(I know of a user who got banned for critizing prez G.W. bush)


astin_martin ____________ lamboghini_murcielago___lotus Exige


slr mclaren____________ ferrari f430_________________ koensegg CCR


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