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output test: Hello World!

Hello there, firstly thank you for reading my blog. Secondly I have no idea why you would be reading this, as this is my first post in..well I cant really remember and too lazy to check.

I see allot has changed here on gamespot, new look, fancy features, more easier to use..and less anoying ads and loads of extra links I havent seen before.

You may ask, what on earth would I be posting here for? What would compel me...after an eternety of inactivity to post here at the same internet cafe using the same old crappy keyboard as I did 5 years ago.

Well to be honest gamespot was a really nice place 5 years ago, was my first blog and the then cool set of communities called Gamespot unions. Although Gamespot seems to have ignored, neglected and even abandoned these virtual groups the curiousity to seewhats new, hows all my old gamespotters are doing was compelling. But I"m also level 14 Ring King of some sort...cant let that go to waste...thats 2 years of active gaemspotting right there! (2006-2008).

I recently started youtubing. No not a video blog, but a collection of random videos. Im really new at this so constructive critism (from anyone actually reading this) would be appreciated. A "you suck" would work too.. you can checkout my first vid here.

Moving on, I'm not planning on only creating random videos for only the bored to see. My next few vids will be for all those stuck with an old Nokia S60 phone, and feature 5 simple ways to really pimp out your Nokia S60 Phone, to make you feel a little better until your next upgrade.

So, custom homescreens, a collection of the best apps you can get for your phone and the best websites to download these apps will all be featured in the upcoming weeks. Oh I also going to include media players that really kick your phone to the next level. Think .mkv, avi and flv all from your S60 phone.


So why would I do all of this? well I recently got myself a nokia E 5 (hence the multi-tasking test ). I was pretty impressed with the multi-tasking, good business functionality, etc. But S60 seriously doesnt compete with iPhone and Android when it comes to apps, and even when you find a good app...chances are you may get a certificate error. To make matters worse, Nokia's moving to windows so things look pretty grim for S60 users.

And thus my youtube account. Pimping out your S60phone and pushing it to the next level . I seriously hope it helps someone...even if its only a least untill they upgrade or get an iPhone or something.
