well I though it might be a good idea to post some kind of funny pic for a change instead of the usual stuff so here goes
(P.S -for loads of funny pics visit Matj's profile, every saturday he /she has a funny pic of the day)
Ahhhh... the sun, the noise I can't take it. Dude, who gave me that last whiskey shot last night. I'm paying for it this morning.
No animals were harmed in the making of this photoshoot :)( I used the same words aas the website I found the pics on)
kinda cute....
This was a ridiculas picture I found on the internet.(PS:No-offense to all Americans supporting prez. Bush, I do not has any evil intentions or anyrthing, I just found this pic funny)
Oh yeah and BTW I DID NOT MAKE this picture so gamespot, plz don't ban me or something(I know of a user who got banned for critizing prez G.W. bush)
astin_martin ____________ lamboghini_murcielago___lotus Exige
slr mclaren____________ ferrari f430_________________ koensegg CCR