Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I'll be sure to check em out and see which ones strike my fancy!
Twikee86's forum posts
Hello, everybody! :) As you can see by the title I am on the hunt for a few good gaming channels to follow on YouTube. I've subscribed to some of the more popular gaming YouTubers out there but find that they seem to be doing some of the same things over and over resulting in the onset of boredom. I enjoy watching gameplay and hearing other people's opinions and also enjoy a laugh or two as well, so feel free to post your channel links or mention a good channel.
I feel this will be a good thread to get some lesser known channels out there and network a bit. I do have my own channel if you want to check it out,, but obviously I don't get much joy out of watching my own videos (I already know whats going to happen in them), as to why I've posted here. So, yeah just list a link to your channel and I'll be sure to take a look and hopefully others will as well!
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