Ok so I decided to keep you updated on my BORING wait for my Wii and what I do during the days to make it by (just iin caseyou are waiting to get a console or game and it takes awhile) so i'll give some tips and tell you what I do to make it buy.
What I've done tody:
-went to school (boring no matter what so I cant help ya out there)
-Drinking some Australian Tea from my Grandmum (always relaxing.....im not gay)
-Doing homework (try listening to music whiel you do it that kinda makes it funner)
-Paper Route -.- (you guys probably dont have a gay paper route but it whats paying for my Wii sooooo)
-Getting on the computer (try and find a online/multiplayer game to play so you kinda forget about what your waiting for)
Tip Of The Day- Try hanging out with friends to forget about everything....or do drugs lol jk.......but you could do that.
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