@Evanduil @GrayFlare You just answered your own question. But in saying that, if you only use one site for reviews and expect it to match your opinion every time, you're doing it wrong.
You should be looking at a number of different reviews and opinions on the game and weighing up the pros and cons for yourself. No review can tell you if you will like a game. You have to use the information given to make the decision for yourself.
Additionally, whining about a score not matching your opinion is just ridiculous, and you should stop. The review is not there to match your opinion.
Jesus, does anyone actually bother to read articles anymore?
Keyboard and mouse support is coming soon. This game is months away from being completed and having an official release. It is still in early stages of development. K&M support hasn't been implemented yet because this is a port of a console game, with already fully implemented Xbox controls.
They are giving people the opportunity to play it early so they can get feedback from it and help them with testing. They specifically say right up there ^ that if you aren't interested in that, then don't buy it yet.
To make it nice and simple, not interested in playing the game without a keyboard and mouse? THEN DON"T BUY IT YET
@deadruler08 Because not all bugs are found before release. Because some bugs only become apparent after release. Because a save corruption bug that affects 1% of users would be damn near impossible to test for.
The question is not why was the bug in the game. The question is why the hell would it cost thousands of dollars to release the patch through Microsoft's system?
@Fallout_red Just a heads up, Giant Bomb did a Quick Look of this game. Vinny and Jeff have a go at the co-op too. Great video and the game is hilariously awful.
Twisted14's comments