My brother told me something very interesting some few weeks ago. Jiang Wei. He's a loser. But you all knew that. Anyway, he told me the definition of an insane man. It went something like...
"To do something over and over again, expecting different results." So, we are all a little crazy aren't we? Anyway, Jiang Wei campaigned nine times for the north. And he FAILED, nine times. Meaning, he campaigned over and over expecting a different result. Meaning, Jiang Wei is insane. Case closed.
September 11th. Woot! Elder Scrolls IV: Game Of The Year Edition, and Kengo: Legend Of The 9 are coming on that day. Yeah. Man was I going insane. I needed something new to play badly. Ok, ok! Stop! Stop yelling at meeeeee!!!!!
God! I know, I know. I still have many games to beat. I just fell out of them. I'll get back to it. But I don't need to hear this from you all. Jesus Christ!