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So I've been currently keeping myself busy with Tenchu Z. Great game. If you're a Tenchu fan, you'll like this game. Stealth kills are somewhat improved. Missions do run together, but are still cool to do. As I've said before, I'm not into graphics, but they are good to look at. Tenchu's graphics that is. So don't believe what gamespot said about the game. Well, that should come obviously. Rent the game and check it out for yourself. As for fans, buy the game.

Today, I rented Stranglehold. That's really gonna keep me sane for a while. Of course, I'm still messing around with all my other games that I have on my now playing list. Just not as much. But Stranglehold should keep me in good condition.

Lastly, wow. SF 4?? OMGOUWTF?! Hot stuff. I was recently informed about this game. It's gonna be insane.