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Everything's so different here....

Really it is. Well anyway....

Learning how to manage Q1. Yeah, Q1 of 08. Between MGS 4, Army Of Two, DMC4, Mercenaries 2, SSB... Dang, I sure have my work cut out for me. The most important thing to do, is to manage time for each game. For each, deserves my undying love. Well, maybe not Army Of Two. But that's another story. Anywho, I'll manage mine like this...

Whatever is coming out first, shall have my attention. Anything else..... Is a toy! Meaning grits 'n butter. Meaning!!! I'll get to the other stuff later. I don't wanna rush. I wouldn't enjoy the game at all if I did that. Rush through one to get to the other? Yeah right. There's nothing good about people who do that..... But yeah, two at a time. That's how I'm going to do it. Enjoy both. Then make room for another. Mmmm, gravy. Wow. So many games to beat and enjoy, so little time! Woooshh!! *Spreads his wings and flies away*