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French Fried Biscuits

Nothing new. I thought I would just talk about alot of the games I like. And some I'm really looking forward too.

I'm looking forward to Army Of Two. That's going to be hot. I love the way the gameplay looks. The characters are cool. So, I'll really enjoy that. Assassin's Creed is next. Not a lot needs to be said about this game. Just looking at it, you know it's going to be hot. Next is, Mass Effect. Mass Effect is like a blend of KOTOR and first person shooters. So yeah, that is really cool. Haven't really seen the gameplay, but I know it's going to be groovy. DMC 4. Yeah, that's going to be nice. I'm still playing DMC 1 and 3. The gameplay looks hot. I'm a fan, so yeah. I'll enjoy that. SSB: Brawl. Yeah, that's going to be insane. Everyone who is anyone is a fan of the series, I've seen a little of the gameplay. Um, I like what I see. So yeah, another hot game I'm looking forward too. Super Mario Galaxy. C'mon, everybody is a fan. We all grew up with him. Mario is hot gravy. HOT gravy. That's a good thing. Gameplay and graphics and what not. I'm getting this game because Mario is in here. Here. *Points to his heart* He's in there.

So, that's a taste of what I'm looking forward too. As for what I'm playing right now. Just look at my now playing list. I'm still playing all those. Yes, even DMC 3: Special Edition. I play the french fries out of that game. Mmm, french fries with gravy. Skate is really hot though. I play that game a lot. It's just tons of fun. If you're a skater, you'll love it. If you're not one, you'll still love it. I'm more of a street kinda guy. You know? I'll pop a kickflip into a nose manual, then flip out with a 180 360 flip. Yeah baby, I rip those grinds up as well. Another game I really like is, Virtua Fighter 5. Wow. The graphics. I've said it in the past. Graphics don't mean jack to me. But there are great to look at. And Virtua Fighter 5 has it. Wow, what a good looking game. Gameplay is crazy as well. Yeah, good clean family fun. For the whole family :D.

Um, I haven't touched Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction yet. My brother is currently enjoying that right now. I'm waiting for the right time to play that game. Along with Ninja Gaiden Sigma.... Which I picked up a while back. I've yet to play that game...... Man, that is not groovy. I'll find the time. That's all for now. See you later.